Sunday, November 30, 2008

Marzetti Coleslaw Dressing Pasta

The Power of Attraction

Pocas veces sabemos el efecto que producen nuestras palabras y actos en las demás personas. Es más, muy poquitas veces nos lo hacen saber. Si malo es hacer daño sin saberlo, igual de malo es ser especial para alguien y no saberlo tampoco. Y es que las personas cambiamos de categoría a nuestras compañías para la vida por esas pequeñas aportaciones diarias o esporádicas.
Echa la vista atrás por un segundo y piensa en lo que creías que duraría aquella relación y cómo se fue como el humo. Recuerda aquella malísima impresión que tuviste al encontrarte por primera vez con quien ahora es imprescindible en tu vida. Nada es como parecía que sería y es ahí lies the magic of human relationships. It is true that there are relationships doomed to failure, others that seem to be predestined to survive, some of which are frowned upon and therefore not even try, but all are remarkable for their results if we analyze the time spent.
But there is an exception (there's always an exception ...) There is that relationship that you consider healthy, durable and with good intentions from the start. It's like a sixth sense that tells you that something will happen when it is still miles away and no evidence. And little by little, you're changing the status of that person because of his actions and his words and you can only hope that you also ascend in the ranking of friendship. Probably do, but do not know. That's where comes the bad (not always less) of silence. We say so little (or nothing) how good we think of others ... to criticize Brave and cowardly to love. That is why it feels so good to hear or read to others we are special, we thank our words and deeds.

rarely know the effect produced by our words and actions on others. Moreover, very little time we do know.

But you do know how. Thank you for your murmurs of affection.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cartoon Network Birthday Blast

Two years and one day

Life is full of moments that mark a before and after. I, at that time, I call Moments Hope. " And is that whenever we touch bottom or we self-limit mark a turning point in our lives. For better or for worse, but always full of hope.

Today is 16 November. Two years and one day wrote a farewell (with intent to return) in this blog. Belatedly, I have fulfilled the promise of return. In another life, other companies, improved smile and mosaic preparation, back to describe with my words.