Sunday, November 30, 2008

Marzetti Coleslaw Dressing Pasta

The Power of Attraction

Pocas veces sabemos el efecto que producen nuestras palabras y actos en las demás personas. Es más, muy poquitas veces nos lo hacen saber. Si malo es hacer daño sin saberlo, igual de malo es ser especial para alguien y no saberlo tampoco. Y es que las personas cambiamos de categoría a nuestras compañías para la vida por esas pequeñas aportaciones diarias o esporádicas.
Echa la vista atrás por un segundo y piensa en lo que creías que duraría aquella relación y cómo se fue como el humo. Recuerda aquella malísima impresión que tuviste al encontrarte por primera vez con quien ahora es imprescindible en tu vida. Nada es como parecía que sería y es ahí lies the magic of human relationships. It is true that there are relationships doomed to failure, others that seem to be predestined to survive, some of which are frowned upon and therefore not even try, but all are remarkable for their results if we analyze the time spent.
But there is an exception (there's always an exception ...) There is that relationship that you consider healthy, durable and with good intentions from the start. It's like a sixth sense that tells you that something will happen when it is still miles away and no evidence. And little by little, you're changing the status of that person because of his actions and his words and you can only hope that you also ascend in the ranking of friendship. Probably do, but do not know. That's where comes the bad (not always less) of silence. We say so little (or nothing) how good we think of others ... to criticize Brave and cowardly to love. That is why it feels so good to hear or read to others we are special, we thank our words and deeds.

rarely know the effect produced by our words and actions on others. Moreover, very little time we do know.

But you do know how. Thank you for your murmurs of affection.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cartoon Network Birthday Blast

Two years and one day

Life is full of moments that mark a before and after. I, at that time, I call Moments Hope. " And is that whenever we touch bottom or we self-limit mark a turning point in our lives. For better or for worse, but always full of hope.

Today is 16 November. Two years and one day wrote a farewell (with intent to return) in this blog. Belatedly, I have fulfilled the promise of return. In another life, other companies, improved smile and mosaic preparation, back to describe with my words.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How To Get A Leafeon On Pokemon Indigo

Someday, Guatemala

Entre cráteres y matapalos se alza un grito
de tierra que nunca pudo levantarse
y clama de rodillas,
jaguar enjaulado
de sangre añil,
son tus colores la hebra
de lo que nunca ha cambiado
ni las revoluciones
ni tus caminos hundidos,
desesperanza en alambre de espino
aleteas Quetzal brumoso
descendiendo la garganta cálida
de la jungla feroz,
contra tu orgullo Maya
se juega sumisa
la injusticia varada
en el jardín de delicias,
no permitas que se quede
como inframundo de lágrimas
de tu belleza absoluta,

Friday, April 4, 2008

How To Get Over Tonsillitis


anticipation, and there seems no need to correct your delusions. Opening all doors to ventilate the tender laceration. Melodic arches, it's time to weave tales with subtlety. Caught between alertness and anxiety so abysmal, and again found the beast's eyes, paradise embedded in his eyes. Does not contain this joy hungry, I dissipates. I tore into self-contemplation. All retained, the caustic saliva, coughing and laughing.
The pleasure in pain that occurs with touching cold, sharp as indecision. The eyelids as tar, butterflies rough. The contradiction, strange rhythm that animates my feet and those who are saved in the land of complacency. The metaphors in your haste, the new birth after death. Dirty truth, put away your face when you scoffing, know your slips, just ask you to help me once again to glide weightless on your array manifold. Play with my soul here among the large caves, lying with slow lizards, tearing at my bleeding hollow. Show me the days, I'll be following among the appearances, subtle servant, lost in thoughts that are not in this life. Ah, the inevitable shock, the frenzied atmosphere, the pleasure of frequencies replaced me tonight when I get lost in your touch serene. Stab me with your light, I will give my talent, everything is crisp. Sacrifícame beloved indescribable for you now awake, waiting.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Michael Jackson-everton

Suicide domesticated
taken to the limit
in tearing the braking

bones feel crunch, you
chill hitting the eco

hands clasped in labyrinths

transparent to Smile is turned
hung in tatters
between imbalances and thanks
With the volatility
have breathed in the eddies

secrets of life.
This life.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gay Cruise Places Baton Rouge


wreath woven Jade and advances

loquacity of silence in alabaster cheeks
balm cadences

my burning hail the sense, forgiven scar
ramifications, reversed assignments And self-sacrifice

lost, I believe, found it clean
pain is pleasure spiral

the pieces fit in the dance nights with comprehensive fund
fruit ice

puffs dressed evocations
transgression soft on the rise, runaway dragon
relent and directs

words spoken before
origin rocked the feeling of harmony

weightless coming into our hands
solve crystal polished stone

relentlessly eager
composition of that between the two
is enigma and coral.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How Long For Erithromycin Take To Work

Carved Jade was now

Now as night

discovered in flagrante in your movement of stars now found as sleep

resguardecido your answers wrong.

fragments do not become more
roughly handled
plans to defuse the sting of your skin
seismic land.

course now exposed as the river current lack

moments now composing love the puzzle.

will not open over the maze
welcome the scenes exalt the whole truth

your attention the only life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Configuring Netgear Dg934g

Omnia, nihil expedit

Chemistry recidivist demonic thrust in your soft effervescence sliding the memory of the future, along with the forecast the past. Why let your creatures carry guns when you have me, perched on the privilege, madly replaceable. Exiled in countries without armies, anger does not represent any truce, arrogant servants recruited before threaded on their own bayonets. The look tied, the burst of desire. Give yourself the space to open a road, create truths from your desires healed. Heart you want a moment and sinks again, knowing that there is more than a dream. It appears you have not learned anything playing in the shadows, serenity on the blades. And mobile structures, sediment, discontent, concentrating the heat of storms in the fingertips. I do not know, something is happening now. The pupils are observed. Something falls apart in your strength, to resurface giant hog, poured into sigils. Battered by changes, color constancy inert. Mortifying effort, routines that erode, vibrant sources. Impatience redemption, hope your presence meaningless under the provisions, following the invisible rhythms. I will find you enjoying it, sweetness waterfall, walking outdoors barefoot. And I can not ask. In your cheeks stinging may read that nothing matters, the immediate assumption we have been others. It seems we can not see, we can not stand standing acid absorption. I find it impossible not to play your wounds, I am drunk with the branches to dance, poured out in all directions, dispersed in the cross winds, swept away by the tides, haunted by flares. I've been everything and nothing is fair. Sweet poetry.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Many Eggs Did Discus Fish Lays

of nowhere started
submitted to death, with the excitement
clinging to life
made what is now
your concern me restlessness
constructor my marks, all of you cracks
the debtor of the second
anguished hope
made me laugh
light energy, laughter
travels the routes until all the missions
contracted claw always impatient with hysteria
blessed you with the grace, beauty
impetuous pride
are your roots
casually contagious from the overwhelming feeling, in your name

Monday, February 18, 2008

Woodbury Commons Moncler

Creative Women Elected

water balance on volcanoes,
the sun does not expel
Ix Chel
free prisoner
signs your words embroidery, your kisses
damn scars,
built in deep jungle jaguar
with soul and water
unfinished walk with the vividness scalded
rhythmic silence breaks the continuous agitation
your shadows whispering.
And you slip, with no resistance after the eyelids
peaceful sleep
where ephemeral traces
mild forms of my breath.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potatoes With Red Spots


Alchemy variations
sad eyes looking islands, I find myself biting purity
melancholy touch, skin

carved craters observed in me
words superimposed on a contention that does not correspond with the throat cramped

tears falling on the back,
inpiración of divinity and death
storms bypassed you play asshole, so unkempt fro
their cheeks collected in space that breaks in elegance
but is beyond this life
freely express language of the fires,
of the stars that never sleep
diasporas fabricate moments that are whole,
rid me uncomfortable vibration-balanced, small shocks

the dreamy unreality of the beggar,
small steps that are lost are

meet with her inspired me to blur the look
to find agitated

poured in my
universe created

Monday, January 28, 2008

Stomach Flu In Los Angeles 2009

I did not know, but carelessly had sensed for a time mutually just and tolerable. Both live immersed in their gelatinous capsules, from where trains were passing time, grimacing faces and entertained them most, the instrument orchestras tune cheerfully. I always was indecipherable incomprehension with which time and again were interpreted, unsubstantial composition of the messages that were coming, the hollow grammar which once again and made them believe that the causes and the effects are always same order as the content of all kinds enjoy residence, or until there are missions that must be met. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe sacred, the communicable, the mysteries that climb up the pupils, feeling distant journey accompanying the laugh, the meeting of the waterway looks unlikely places, the images conjured up, sedated with caresses, sealed agreements . All this has always presented them as a rapid rapprochement between messages seamlessly. And thus separated
have loved, oblivious to the burdens of commitment, away from the wear and turbulence, in a way inconceivable and sweetly impertinent, to find that time without haste and without plans.
She began by expressing his surprise initially quiet, slightly acumelada. The immediate reaction while dropping their azuntios demalaba the time he had expected. The magnificently sepeladas internurias both dissolved the disontismos, left contrails come in droves. In the process of turmelación, without fear or supracciones, vintificaron the truths, apofunias, the SINTAF circunsantos, and finally from inmensificados, desintengrando entire room in its path, recording on the top mark so panterrítmica agluscente still can distinguish their presence, if you look with eyes shared anywhere.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cheap Rc Truck Lights

gíglico Meeting Time To Yago

Zarpazo. Another blow, continue

coughing pain with your memory clear

continue defying
Yes, defying
this bitch

universal derision

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cube Field Colors In Order

the executioner never been so miserable as that afternoon. It is hard to imagine someone like that feeling that your life has hit bottom, with all sentences marching in front of your face, irritating the eyes like a breath of sandstone. Markedly disconcerting image of both justice minister losing enthusiasm for the ropes, or the creaking of the gallows grateful. Then to walk out, clearly puzzled, bordering the fountains of the city, stopping at lattices of parks, where sliding your fingers to see the joys inaccessible elsewhere. This confusion unexpected can greatly complicate the exercise of my responsibilities, he thinks bitterly. I can not concentrate like before, I lost the touch of freshness, is repeated lethargically while helping a child to contain a flood of colored marbles rolling on the asphalt. After this repair in some yellow flowers that hover on the edge of a bed and felt a chill away, as another body if the recipient, and not yours. I know that when I return to my place all these sensations will fade and disappear this gap, get my black art, my scores, again receive cherry jam and sparkling wine guild mates in sincere appreciation of what I would do anyway. There can be trouble enough to erase everything I've built, I know now why these strands now quietly celebrate his innocence sun dancing on my nose, and also came to understand this brotherhood of college students lying on the grass, filling their hopes on Brand slips, as if everything was alien to them.
executioners generally suffer drawdowns that lack the consistency needed to be confident that I do not know, get the coveted time coiling their ropes in a big ball, or do braids, or try to tie a knot weasel, those who leave the sailor bowled more skeptical. To the general dismay, we talk about fleeting dips, although their quality is appreciated by unexpected inmates leave with a feeling that could have been more of that this time might have allowed them to stay until the final sand dune, or on the breeze of grass, well, why not say, on the surface a bit slippery immortal desires.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

How To Make Slipcovers


I was a revolutionary who never needed. Hostel

visions of anarchy in contradiction

cultivated and sunrises.
I was the intermediary

never said to tear down the walls of a utopia

strangely false. You

sense of what is timely, drawing

fleeting suffering in a book written between the lines of foreboding

and irresistible candor dissolved
your name in mud

not know passion when undefined. Incredulous

intuition you place a violet burning innocent

distant at the moment of exhalation.

We are looking

chewing soft petals and sharp flower

concern that offers quiet overwhelming taste

the sap imperfect
you in my life, I
and your vision.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Veho Filmscanner Driver

Dies many times in life. Death is a geometric object with different levels of symmetry, and resurrections constantly polishing the faces of the polyhedron. Rebirth is not always an elegant process, but it is seldom free of fascination. The revivals are fed quickly with omens and desires. After birth, the moment condensed living in a moment, dream of the combinations of pleasure, simulating a crystal symphony. At other times they put the tiny ivory boxes on wooden shelves remained intact. Not all deaths nos dejan sin una herencia de cajitas labradas. Y así nos movemos, formados por los restos de algunos ciclos, con las células parcialmente renovadas, y con un cierto número de presencias almacenadas, a veces en forma de sagrado desorden, y otras veces en forma ánimo para repetir.
Es irrenunciable nuestro afán por cifrar señales, pero al descifrarlas los unos a los otros, las palabras emergen o bien desafinadas, o bien desligadas del afán inicial. Eso nunca ha importado demasiado. El mensaje se completa con otra avalancha de escalas, con la minuciosidad de los colores, con la resonancia indescriptible que nivela todas las exaltaciones. Si no has tratado de seducir a la lluvia, todavía te queda mucho por renacer. Abarcar todos dogmas, to resist the internal collapse is growing all hatred, turning them into flaming birds, traversing what was once resistance. Prepare, with the innocence rebuilt for the next resurrection.